3 poems composed out of coping with a tragedy

Losing The Sunset, Gaining Back The Mind

Every glossy evening I lose the sunset
As ochre rice paper dissolves in the mouth of the night
And Plathic needle pricks poke the blueing sugar paper with white
And I wonder if we either gain the dark; or lose the light?
It hurts to be human:
Because you can’t know warmth unless you’ve been cold
As I grasp with both hands the things I cannot hold

Half Full

I cried teenage tears when I lost my dog
We couldn’t look after him well enough
He was too neurotic for our busy family.
He had to go back to the RSPCA where he came from
I cried uncontrollably, knowing it was fair and
Dad bought me a magazine…
And I have precious memories of Scamp…
So that was two really good things about that day.

Opposites Attract

No growth up without gravity pulling down, no
Oxygen from the trees without
Bad breath from our mouths.  I
Won’t know right, unless I see wrong, and I
Won’t feel hurt unless I know being loved.

No coming home unless you’ve been away, and
No beach without the sea – only sand.
No being forgiven without a sense of foul play
No night if there’s only ever day

No benefit of thoughts unless you say…
I love you
Is meaningless without it having gone away…
No relief, without the exit door, if you suddenly decide to stay.
Once I was alone; that’s why I pray.

No out without in;
Now Knowing is because of not knowing;
Cold is just the absence of heat, and
Sound doesn’t exist until our ear drums ring…
This isn’t better until there’s another thing,
A Life is more than a body pumping, or still,
So much good learnt through this suffering.

The sharp grating of life can wear smooth my calloused heart
The pain I feel can crack my hardened soul
My hurting head can teach me how to love
Brokenness is the gateway somehow to being whole.